This page offers you a FREE MLS SEARCH for Franklin NC real estate, homes for sale, commercial properties, vacant land, mountain cabins, Franklin NC rentals, log homes, and much more.  You can choose to search in these particular local areas: Cowee NC Real Estate * Homes and Land | Cullasaja NC Real Estate * Homes and Land | Holly Springs NC Real Estate * Homes and Land | Iotla NC Real Estate * Homes and Land | Otto NC Real Estate * Homes and Land | Cartoogechaye NC Real Estate * Homes and Land | Patton Valley NC Real Estate * Homes and Land . You can also specify the number of bedrooms, bathrooms, acreage, and many other features of a property in order to narrow the FREE FRANKLIN NC MLS SEARCH to your liking. Just be aware that the MORE parameters you "check" the fewer listings will appear.  It would be better for you to have a general search and then sort through the results for your "Dream Come True Home".  Thanks for visiting the search, if you need assistance please call or email me, I'm happy to help you.

John Becker / Bald Head
Bald Head Realty
33 Pine Lane
Franklin NC, 28734
828-506-3719 Mobile
828-369-0000 Office
828-369-0009 Fax


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Cowee NC Real Estate * Homes and Land | Cullasaja NC Real Estate * Homes and Land | Holly Springs NC Real Estate * Homes and Land | Iotla NC Real Estate * Homes and Land | Otto NC Real Estate * Homes and Land | Cartoogechaye NC Real Estate * Homes and Land | Patton Valley NC Real Estate * Homes and Land Burningtown NC Real Estate * Homes & Land

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